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Diet N Cure Store

D-252, Phase 1,
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Weight Loss Diet

Obesity has reached epidemic proportions in India. Waistlines are expanding at a rapid rate. A proper body weight is most conducive to good health. Deviations in the body weight beyond certain limits from normal are detrimental to health and predisposes to many other disorder like cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, etc.
Successful weight loss can be brought about through a combined nutritional and behavioral approach. The food plan should be well balanced and suited to the particular needs of the individual.
The satiety value of food is very important so as to give a feeling of satisfaction and well-being. Adequate amount of protein, fibrous fruits and vegetables, whole grain cereals and pulses provide satiety.

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About Diet N Cure Store

Sachin Gandhi
D-252, Phase 1,

                                                           Diet N Cure Store

When I was 21, I was referred to a Dietician. I had a pre -conceived notion that a dietician would make me starve and would stop me from eating all the delicious foods I have always cherished. I was absolutely wrong in my thinking. She made me understand that the eating right kind of food-combination, as per my blood group can lead to a successful weight loss. My dietician always used to say "Never say you are on Diet, but always say that I have now started eating the right diet". From that time, I never looked back and reduced 25 kgs in 1 year and maintained 58-62 kgs for another 3 years before I got married. In these 5-6 years, I have developed interest and passion for this profession and now have completed my studies of Dietetics (Double Diploma Holder from VLCC & IGNOU) and have become a registered dietician in the year 2011.